Have you taken one of the free knock-off type assessments floating around on the internet, or maybe even a real mbti?
Have you struggled to understand the result, or perhaps it keeps changing each time? Are you confused and frustrated? Do you lack confidence in the answers you’re given?
Do you find type endlessly fascinating, but other people insist it’s a waste of time--it’s just astrology in a different form? Or maybe they say you suffer from the “Barnum Effect” and foolishly believe everything you’re told? Do they claim you’re taking it too seriously?
Have you read articles and blogs, watched a bunch of YouTube videos, and joined a few Facebook groups and message boards to get to the bottom of things? Maybe you’ve gotten into some rousing arguments over it even.
Perhaps you have an intuition that type could make a vital difference in your life, if only you could get your arms around it. Do you feel sure it would help explain you to YOU, not to overlook how it could explain other people to you as well, and maybe you could have an easier time in life if only you could understand this system?
When it comes to type, do you wonder whether you should go BIG or throw it away altogether?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, have I got news for you! You don’t have to feel unfulfilled and unsatisfied when it comes to typology. You don’t have to wonder whether you identified the right type pattern, or whether you’re using type correctly. If you dearly want to take type seriously, you have come to the right place.
I love type.
First of all, it’s not just a new form of astrology. And while other people suffer from the “Barnum Effect,” you don’t have to. People who make those claims frankly don’t know enough about the subject matter. They don’t understand it themselves, so they airily wave their hand and dismiss it. It’s an ignorant response. They don’t want to delve more deeply, so they don’t think you should either.
I’m Vicky Jo Varner, PhD, and I can help you make sense of things. It’s not your fault that you’re lost in the maze. There are few subjects that people know so little about and yet venture so many strong opinions than they do with typology.
I wrote my doctoral dissertation on typology so I know a little something about it.
And I’ve been there too. I’ve confronted the same blocks to my desire to understand typology better. The naysayers are everywhere.
I have studied typology for over 25 years and helped hundreds of people understand it better. When I became a type practitioner, I adopted the use of a structured format that helped my clients to identify their type pattern correctly and more reliably than merely taking assessments. I discerned the importance of helping a client discover their own type pattern through my process rather than simply handing them a quick test “result.”
I have lived by this wisdom ever since. My approach ensures you will walk away from my type discovery process with confidence that you have “found yourself” in the experience. Everybody and their dog might know what your type is, but if you don’t know it for yourself, none of that matters. Nothing beats firsthand awareness.
Like my previous clients, you will go on to make positive changes that will transform your life and give each day new meaning. Feeling confidence in your type provides you with self-esteem and certainty about your life choices. No longer are you at the mercy of what others say. No longer are you lost in the maze of typology. You can focus on creating a rewarding life.
Once you know who you are, you will be more capable of imagining who you could be. You will discover that you are a tiny acorn waiting to unleash your full potential. With that knowledge, you can grow into a mighty oak tree, solid and confident in who you are. Type Discovery allows you to become the person you are truly capable of being.
The total package fee is $1,427 (payment plans available).
Click the button below to get started.


Essential Motivators
Module one
You want to know your own inner needs and values and we’ll discover them using Temperament Theory, which has been around for centuries. The "conative" domain of psychology is related to one’s will, and describes our unconscious motivations, a realm too often overlooked. My take on this material draws upon what I’ve learned from Drs. Keirsey and Berens.
Program fee is $477 and includes:
48-page booklet
2-hr. interactive webinar
follow-up coaching session
graphic template homework

Module two
Your sphere of influence includes others around you—whether it’s your life partner, your family, your community, or your workplace—and the way you interact with others has a profound impact on how you navigate through your life. In this part of my program, I draw upon Berens’ “Interaction Styles,” an "affective" model based upon Marston’s Social Styles research.
Program fee is $477 and includes:
40-page booklet
2-hr. interactive webinar
follow-up coaching session
graphic template homework

Module three
We will dive into Jung’s theory of psychological types, which was the foundation of the MBTI. But rather than simply throw an assessment at you, I detail the eight cognitive processes Jung identified and give you the opportunity to experience each of them firsthand. This "cognitive" model articulates and characterizes how your psyche behaves in various situations.
Program fee is $477 and includes:
Two 30-page booklets
2-hr. interactive webinar
follow-up coaching session
graphic template homework

Typology Expert and Author
Vicky Jo has cultivated a rich knowledge of personality type theory, particularly the value of drawing upon multiple frameworks. She has helped edit a number of my books, and I have found her insights and suggestions invaluable.

To know “The Other” we must know ourselves. In other words, to understand and deepen my relationship with God, understanding who I am and the gifts I have been given is essential. Vicky Jo, the information you gave me in our recent session is invaluable in my spiritual quest. I could utilize the knowledge immediately in my position as a pastor, and I continue to “ponder and wonder” over the insights you provided. Thanks for your time and your enthusiasm—I hope we can talk again soon! Peace & blessings…

I’d taken personality tests before, and thought I “got it” —but now I know they only scratched the surface of the insights that are available to all of us through this work. Looking deeply into my type, with Vicky Jo’s support and guidance, was both validating and eye-opening. I highly recommend that anyone who is serious about investing in self-discovery partner with a professional, and Vicky Jo is at the top of the personality assessment field, combining a warm coaching style with years of dedicated research and expertise.